Your team's care setting

Teams in high-acuity environments, like the OR, provide patient care in situations that are complex, interdisciplinary, highly urgent, and time sensitive. Patient safety and survival require a high-level of inter-professional team performance and effective communication. Delays or errors in treatment have been linked to miscommunication between team members; however, these are the settings where teamwork and communication can be most difficult.

In this 25-minute video Dr. Jessica Raley shares her latest research to help you meet the following:

Learning Objectives

  1. List and describe the six communication competencies necessary for effective team communication in high-acuity care settings.
  2. Discuss the importance of routinely recording and reviewing live high-acuity care interactions to support staff learning and quality improvement practices. 
  3. Review the tools and processes to create an interdisciplinary communication improvement program in your own hospital.

Watch this 25-minute presentation if...

  • You want to learn how to improve communication effectiveness for your teams,
  • You wish to discover new practices to educate staff at your hospital,
  • You look to implement an interdisciplinary communication program in your hospital.


Jessica Raley, PhD.jpg 

Jessica Raley, Ph.D is the Associate Professor of Research at the College of Health Professions at Texas State University -San Marcos. In this 25-minute recorded video presentation, Dr. Raley explores the relationship between effective team communication and medical performance in emergency and critical healthcare settings, leveraging the Trauma Team Communication Assessment (TTCA-24) which was recently created and validated at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio (UTHSCA). The study results will be used to create interdisciplinary communication training programs for clinical teams working in emergent settings and residents/medical students.


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